Wednesday, 28 May 2014

The water cycle

All things need water

Could you imagine if no one had water? Only 3% of water is fresh.  75% of our body is made from water.  Without water, we would be dead.  Most drinks contain water.

Evaporation happens when the water gets too hot.  Then it turns into water vapour and goes up into the sky.

Condensation starts when the water vapour gets too cold.  Then all the little particles join together.

Precipitation starts when the particles get too big and heavy.  Then it falls to the ground because of gravity.

In conclusion, all these paragraphs are part of the water cycle.  It is really cool how we are still drinking dinosaur water.

Dan Manning-Rees

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Term 2 goals

My Goal
Date set:
What do I need to do to achieve my goal?
Did I achieve my goal?

To build my vocabulary

To read more and ask questions


To learn my division facts - 6,7 and 8 times tables

Practice every night and sometimes in the mornings

Values Based

Self belief and strength - do be able to do all the jumps and the skate park

Practice all the jumps when I go there and start off at the easiest ones and work up